Open Day Event // July 31, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya London
The Open Day Event of Wat Phra dhammakaya London located in Woking , United Kingdon was held on July 31, 2016.
V-Star Unity Day : Assembly of Virtuous Youth
Assembly of Virtuous Youth on Saturday, 13th December 2014. There were more than 5,000 schools from throughout Thailand and the world, including the Philippines, Nepal, Mongolia, Malaysia and Myanmar, participating in this event.
Our Roles and Responsibilities
Living in any society, we will certainly encounter many acquaintances who lack the appropriate social skills to interact with those around them or were often oblivious to the feelings of others. This may lead to numerous problems in the future.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Blameless Work (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eighteen :- Blameless Work.
Since there are a lot of collisions that break our society. What can we do to give unity back to our nation?
ความประทับใจในวันบรรพชาของสามเณรธรรมทายาทพุทธินันท์ โพธิ์งาม
สามเณรธรรมทายาท พุทธินันท์ โพธิ์งาม หรือสามเณรสมิท (Smith) อายุ 52 ปี ผมมีโยมพ่อเป็นชาวอังกฤษ มีโยมแม่เป็นลูกครึ่งไทย-โปรตุเกสครับ
3rd Alms Offering // June 19, 2016 - Amsterdam, the Netherlands
We would like to rejoice in the merits with the Thai communities in the Netherlands for hosting “the 3rd Alms Offering of 19 Venerable Monks from 10 Temples” in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Creating Harmony in the Family
Children of broken families often display certain characte33ristics such as disobedience and negative attitudes. Obviously
International Day of Peace, Mongolia
On Monday, September 21st 2015, the teaching monks and the staff of Wat Bharvana Mongolia participated in “International Day of Peace”, an event devoted to world peace, established in 1981 by the United Nations and organized annually September 21st.
What Should Parents Do When Their Children Do Not Get Along?
Here is a true story for parents who have not yet begun creating harmony in their families